Sunday, March 16, 2014

642 Things to Write About: An Introduction

Hello, internet go-ers! So, once upon a time, MC and I had a dream that one day, all the chocolate in the world would be free, both money and calorie-wise, and homework would be optional, and birds would sing tunes from the Jungle Book.

Unfortunately, that holds no meaning to this blog, so until then, you'll just have to be held in suspense about the Jungle Book birds.

We did have another dream, however--to write. Not just scribbling random thoughts on a notebook every day kind of writing, professional writers who drink coffee by the gallon and make impressive "I'm thinking serious thoughts" faces.

So, we started a writing blog, where we wrote about...wait for it...writing! *gasp* We covered anything from classics to how education affects reading, and it was all kind of heavy, so the whole thing kind of flopped.

And we stopped blogging forever, and drowned ourselves in Lindor truffles, the end.


So like people who like to spend money for the sake of buying things like to make practical purchases, MC and I went to Barnes & Noble with a friend. While I've literally gone to B&N 3 TIMES THIS WEEK, what's the harm of buying twenty more books I have no time for? While we spent a large amount of time looking at pictures of kittens reading classic literature, what really caught our eyes was this book:

Basically, the book is filled with 642 random prompts to help writers get inspiration for potential stories. Both MC and I got a copy, and we wanted to share our prompts/answers with you wonderful people. Sometimes we'll choose a prompt together and have two responses per post, other times we'll go solo. Do not try this at home. Just kidding--feel free to answer as many prompts that strike your fancy...or the ones that don't, and you're just looking for ways to avoid doing homework. You're not the only one. We'd love to read any stories from fellow writers!

And in the words of Bob Marley--"stand up for your rights writes."

Happy writing!

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